首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >应对长江口咸潮的长江上游水库群调度可行性分析




The saline tide intrusion in the estuary of Yangtze River is a severe threat to the Shanghai water supply safety. For ensuring the all-round coordination of the saline tide disaster control in the basin, we analyzed the saline tide intrusion law, the existing countermeasures, the regulation situation of the reservoir group at upper Yangtze River, the water discharge capacity of Three Gorges Reservoir, and based on the analysis we discussed the feasibility of controlling the saline tide by co-regulation of the reservoir group at upper Yangtze River. The regulation principles that are dominated by Three Gorges Reservoir and coopera-ted by other upstream reservoirs are put forward.%长江口咸潮入侵是威胁上海市供水安全的一大隐患. 为全面协调在流域层面应对长江口水源地咸潮灾害风险,在分析咸潮入侵规律、现有应对措施、上游水库群调度情况、三峡水库供水能力等问题的基础上,探讨了长江上游水库群应对长江口咸潮的压咸调度的可行性,并提出相应以三峡水库调节为主,长江上游其他水库配合的调度原则.



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