首页> 中文期刊> 《新疆石油地质》 >用流体包裹体确定油气成藏期次和时期——以潜江凹陷王场油田潜四上段为例




对潜江凹陷王场地区5口井9块流体包裹体样品的荧光观察,4口井4块样品显微测温、测盐、激光拉曼、荧光光谱等系统分析结果表明,该地区潜四上段砂岩储集层共经历了6次热流体活动,其中发生过2期油气充注成藏事件,并以第二期充注成藏最为重要。结合埋藏史—热史分析认为,王79井所在区域油气成藏时期分别为35.9×106~37.8×106a(始新世晚期到渐新世早期)、26.9×106a(渐新世晚期);王78井所在区域油气成藏时期为30×106~32×106a(渐新世中期)。%Nine fluid inclusion samples from five wells in Wangchang oilfield of Qianjiang sag were observed by fluorescence spectroscopy,and four fluid inclusion samples from four wells were analyzes by micro-temperature surveying,salinity measurement,laser Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy.The results indicate that there are two times of oil charging events in the sandstone reservoirs of the Eq4u,and the second one is the most important.The burial history and geothermal evolution analyses show that the hydrocarbon accumulation period in area of Well Wang-79 could be 35.9~37.8 Ma B.P(from Late Eocene to Early Oligocene) and 26.9 Ma B.P(Late Oligocene),respectively,and in area of Well Wang-78 could be 30~32 Ma B.P(Middle Oligocene).



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