首页> 中文期刊> 《新疆农业科学》 >扁桃开花及传粉生物学特性研究




[目的]扁桃(Amygdalus communisL)是新疆重要的经济林树种,其自交率极低,必须依赖传粉昆虫才能结实.为明确扁桃的传粉昆虫种类及传粉昆虫的传粉效率.[方法]通过田间观察、套袋控制昆虫访花和在显微镜下计数昆虫一次访问后剩余花粉量和柱头上被移入花粉量,对开花习性、访花昆虫种类、主要传粉昆虫的访花频率和传粉效率进行了研究.[结果]蜂类、蝇类和蝶类均能传粉,人工饲养的意大利蜜蜂(Apismellifera L.)、凹唇壁蜂(Osmia cerinthidis F.Mor)和当地野生昆虫红附条峰(Anthophora testaceipes F.Mor)是主要传粉昆虫,三者在柱头上沉降花粉数量没有显著区别,但移出花粉能力有明显差异,意蜂传粉效率低于其他两种蜂;人工养蜂能有效提高坐果率.[结论]扁桃具有泛化的传粉系统,红附条峰是传粉媒介中最安全有效的传粉者.%[Objective]Almond (Amygdalus communis L. ) is an important economic forest tree species in Xinjiang. Most of the almond varieties are allogamy plants and depend on the insect pollinators for their fruits set. The purpose of this study aims to make sure the composition of insect pollinator species and the efficiency of the dominant pollinators in almonds. [ Method ] Blossom characteristics and visitors' visitation were observed in the field during the flowering period. The pollinator efficiency was estimated by microscopic counting of the pollens deposited on the stigma and pollens remaining in anthers after a single visit to virgin flowers. [Result]The results showed that almond tree has a generalist pollination system, with bees, flies and butterflies being effective pollinators. In addition to the artificial breeding bees Apis mellifera and Osmia excavata, the wild bee Anthophora testaceipes is the main pollinator of local almond trees. There was no great difference in the deposited amount of pollens on the stigmas of the three kinds of bees, but they showed obvious difference of removing pollens in a single visit. Pollination efficiency of A. mellifera was lower than that of the other two bee species. Artificial breeding bees improved the fruit - setting obviously. [ Conclusion] Almond belongs to generalist pollination system. A. testaceipes is the safest and most effective pollinator among the pollination vectors.



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