首页> 中文期刊> 《世界地理研究》 >国际土地争夺发展现状与影响因素分析




Based on global land transaction data from 2000 to 2011, combining with the other statistical indicators and some relevant literature, this paper analyzes the development status of global land grabbing and explored the in-fluence factors by using the basic methods of statistical analysis and docu-mentary analysis. The result shows: (1) International land investors mainly concentrates in Asia which has high population pressure, the biggest recipi-ent region is South America, followed by Africa and Asia. (2)The area of in-ternational land deals in 2000 to 2011 has a significant increase overall with ups and downs. (3)The use of the trading land is complex, dominated by agriculture, with an important share of forestry, mineral extraction and so on. (4)The global land grabbing is influenced by many factors and the most notable one is food security, in addition, the development of nature re-serves, the migration of the population has potential impacts of the land grabbing. The results of this article would enrich the case study of global land grabbing in China, provide some valuable references in promoting China’s international trade and investment.%本文基于2000-2011年全球土地交易数据分析了全球土地争夺发展现状,并结合土地交易面积等统计指标和相关文献资料,应用统计分析和文献分析相结合的方法,探究了国际土地争夺的影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)国际土地投资者主要来自人口压力较大的亚洲,国际土地被投资者主要集中在南美洲、非洲和亚洲;(2)2000-2011年国际土地交易面积虽有起伏,但整体增幅较大;(3)国际交易土地的用途复杂多样,以农业为主,兼有林业和开采业;(4)土地争夺影响因素众多,较为突出的是粮食安全因素,除此之外,自然保护区发展、人口迁移等亦是土地争夺的潜在影响因素。



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