首页> 中文期刊> 《世界临床病例杂志》 >Application of endoscopic submucosal dissection in duodenal space-occupying lesions

Application of endoscopic submucosal dissection in duodenal space-occupying lesions



BACKGROUNDEndoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has been advocated by digestiveendoscopists because of its comparable therapeutic effect to surgery, reducedtrauma, faster recovery, and fewer complications. However, ESD for lesions of theduodenum is more challenging than those occurring at other levels of thegastrointestinal tract due to the thin intestinal wall of the duodenum, narrowintestinal space, rich peripheral blood flow, proximity to vital organs, and highrisks of critical adverse events including intraoperative and delayed bleeding andperforation. Because of the low prevalence of the disease and the high risks ofsevere adverse events, successful ESD for lesions of the duodenum has rarelybeen reported in recent years.AIM To investigate the efficacy and safety of ESD in the treatment of duodenal spaceoccupyinglesions.METHODS Clinical data of 24 cases of duodenal lesions treated by ESD at the DigestiveEndoscopy Center of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from January2016 to December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed.RESULTS All of the 24 cases from 23 patients underwent ESD treatment for duodenal spaceoccupyinglesions under general anesthesia, including 15 male and 8 femalepatients, with a mean age of 58.5 (32.0-74.0) years. There were 12 lesions (50%) inthe duodenal bulb, 9 (37.5%) in the descending part, and 3 (12.5%) in the ball descending junction. The mean diameter of the lesion was 12.75 (range, 11-22)mm. Thirteen lesions originated from the mucosa, of which 4 were low-gradeintraepithelial neoplasia, 3 were hyperplastic polyps, 2 were chronic mucositis, 2were adenomatous hyperplasia, 1 was high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, and 1was tubular adenoma. Eleven lesions were in the submucosa, including 5neuroendocrine neoplasms, 2 cases of ectopic pancreas, 1 stromal tumor, 1leiomyoma, 1 submucosal duodenal adenoma, and 1 case of submucosal lymphfollicular hyperplasia. The intraoperative perforation rate was 20.8% (5/24),including 4 submucosal protuberant lesions and 1 depressed lesion. The meanlength of hospital stay was 5.7 (range, 3-10) d, and the average follow-up time was25.8 (range, 3.0–50.0) mo. No residual disease or recurrence was found in allpatients, and no complications, such as infection and stenosis, were found duringthe follow-up period.CONCLUSION ESD is safe and effective in the treatment of duodenal lesions;however, theendoscopists should pay more attention to the preoperative preparation,intraoperative skills, and postoperative treatment.



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