首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >运用层次分析法构建社区中医师服务能力评价指标模型




To evaluate the service capability and level of community Chinese medicine practitioners , it is necessary to build a mode of e-valuation system .AHP was used to establish the model .After literature research on evaluated index with Chinese medicine characteris-tics that were close to the actual situation of community , they were used to build the evaluation model framework .It was modified three rounds by expert consultation and the judgment matrix was then established .The weight value to all levels of indicators were assigned by AHP.Finally ,the index system was composed of 5 first-grade index,16 second-grade index, and 29 third-grade index.All the weight values calculation had past the consistency test (CR<0.10).It is verified that evaluating the service capability of community Chinese medicine practitioners through the AHP method is available and reasonable .%本研究旨在构建社区中医师服务能力评价指标模型,评价社区中医师的服务能力和水平。模型的构建采用层次分析法( Analytic Hierarchy Process ,AHP),通过文献研究筛选出具有中医特色、贴近社区实际的评价指标,建立指标模型框架。经三轮专家咨询对指标框架进行修改,建立各级指标的判断矩阵。运用AHP软件对各级指标进行权重赋值,完成指标模型。最终确定了5个一级指标,16个二级指标,29个三级指标,所有权重值的计算均具有良好的一致性( CR<0.10)。本研究验证了运用AHP评价社区中医师服务能力的合理性。



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