首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >中风后尿潴留针灸诊疗特点分析




通过分析针灸治疗中风后尿潴留的文献,探讨其诊疗特点。电子检索中国知网(CNKI)、中文科技期刊全文数据库(VIP)、中国生物医学光盘数据库(CBM)以及 PUBMED 中针灸治疗中风后尿潴留的文献,分析总结针灸的辨证特点、选穴、治疗频次次数、治疗观察周期、疗效、随访和安全性等。针灸治疗中风后尿潴留选穴是辨病结合辨病位,具体表现为局部选穴配合远端循经取穴,常用穴位是关元、三阴交、中极、气海、阴陵泉、水道、百会、八、肾俞、膀胱俞。治法上针灸并重,频次多为1~2次/d,治疗次数多在30次以内,治疗观察周期多在1个月以内,有效率较高。%The diagnosis and treatment characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion for urinary retention after stroke by analy-zing pertinent literature was explored.The research method was searching the literature related to urinary retention after stroke trea-ted by acupuncture and moxibustion in CNKI、VIP、CBM、PUBMED and then summarizing the discriminate characteristics,acupoint selection method,treatment frequency,treatment observation term,treatment effect,follow-up study,safety.The results showed acupoints were selected by differentiation of disease:acupoints around the bladder or on the limbs belonged to meridians going through hypogastrium were used.The main acupoints chosen in the frequency order were:Guanyuan,Sanyinjiao,Zhongji,Qihai, Yinlingquan,Shuidao,Baihui,Baliao,Shenshu,Pangguangshu.Acupuncture and moxibustion were the common intervene meth-od with a frequency of 1-2 times a day.In general,treatment times were less than 30 and observation period was usually shorter than 1 month.Acupuncture and moxibustion could treat urinary retention after stroke effectively.



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