首页> 中文期刊>无线互联科技 >浅析中等职业学校学生管理信息系统




文章主要分析中等职业学校学生管理现状及存在的主要问题,指出中等职业学校学生管理的特殊性和复杂性;提出采用现代计算机技术和网络技术解决存在问题的可行性和必要性,提出解决问题的具体方案—即开发一套基于B/S模式的中等职业学校学生管理信息系统,通过互联网采用WEB方式实现学生管理信息系统;接着指出该系统实现后对中等职业学校在信息化建设和管理中带来的利与蔽;最后指出要利用好该系统应突破的难点和注意事项。%This paper analyses medium occupation school students management status and existing problems, points out the particularity and complexity of management of medium occupation school students; Put forward by modern computer technology and network technology to solve the feasibility and necessity of existence problem, put forward speciifc proposals, to solve the problem is to develop a B/S model based on the secondary occupation school student information management system, through the Internet using WEB mode to realize the student information management system; and then pointed out the advantages and short after the realization of the system of medium occupation schools in the information construction and management with; Finally pointed out the need to make good use of the system should be the breakthrough dififculties and matters needing attention.



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