首页> 中文期刊>给水排水 >深圳市雨水利用技术规范探讨




对深圳市雨水利用技术规范中关于雨水利用的概念、目标、分区利用方式、系统设置等问题作了简要的介绍.提出深圳市雨水利用的目标为削减洪峰、面源污染控制和雨水收集利用.将深圳市雨水利用分为山区、建筑与小区、城中村、商业区、市政道路和特殊污染源地区.并对每个分区的雨水利用方式作了简单介绍.最后,在面源污染控制量和雨水收集量的确定方面,阐述了规范中所采用的方法和考虑因素.%The technological specification for rainwater utilization in Shenzhen City is discussed in this paper, which consists of definition, objective, different utilizing ways, and system setting. It is suggested that the objectives of rainwater utilization include peak flow decreasing, non-point source pollution control, and rainwater collection. The underlaying surface of Shenzhen could be divided into six kinds of different rainwater utilization area: mountainous region, building and residential area, urban village, commercial area, municipal roads and hotspot, and the water utilization methods for each area were introduced primarily. Finally, the methods and consideration employed in specifications about the water quality volume of non - point source pollution and rainwater collection volume were illustrated.



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