首页> 中文期刊>给水排水 >我国纺织染整企业废水处理相关问题探讨




通过调研,了解了我国纺织染整企业废水处理工艺流程及使用单体工艺情况.针对纺织染整企业废水处理中存在的诸如管理人员素质偏低、工艺构筑物堵塞、曝气量不足、滥用废酸、实际运行工况与设计工况严重不符、深度处理工艺难以正常运行等问题,提出了提高管理人员素质、加强对废酸监管、废水排入纺织染整废水集中处理厂处理、运用剩余污泥减量化处理工艺和选用合理的深度处理工艺等解决措施,以促进染整企业废水处理的不断发展.%Through investigation and study, the textile printing and dyeing enterprise wastewater treatment process and unit construction process in China were summarized in this paper. According to the facts existing in textile printing and dyeing enterprise, including relatively low quality of management crew, processing structure blockage, insufficient oxygen aeration, abusage of waste acid, deviation of the practical operation from designed operation, and difficult operation of further treatment process, the solution measurements were brought forward, which included improving the management crew quality, enhancing the waste acid management, centralized textile printing and dyeing wastewater treatment in wastewater treatment plant, residual sludge quantity reduction treatment, and selecting proper further treatment, so as to promote the development of textile printing and dyeing enterprise wastewater treatment.



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