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Inspiration of the Flying Tigers Saga: Pilot Glen Beneda’s Family Visits China

机译:飞虎传奇的灵感:飞行员本尼达(Glen Beneda)的家人访问中国

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正Two generations of American Flying Tigers pilot Glen Beneda’s family visited China from May 10 to17.Son Edward Beneda and grandson Brian Beneda participated in the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the CPAFFC,and attended a news conference on The Blood Chit,a TV series based on Glen Beneda’s amazing life.Vice Premier Liu Yandong’s Meeting Vice Premier Liu Yandong met with the Beneda family members,as
机译:<正>两代美国飞虎队飞行员格伦·贝内达的家人于5月10日至17日访问了中国。爱德华·贝内达和孙子布莱恩·贝内达(Brian Beneda)参加了纪念中非空军成立60周年,并参加了关于``鲜血''的新闻发布会奇特,一部基于格伦·贝内达惊人生活的电视连续剧。副总理刘延东会见副总理刘延东会见了贝内达的家人




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