首页> 中文期刊>电视技术 >多模车载视频监控系统中负载均衡算法设计




In order to improve the video transmission quality of vehicle video surveillance system,this paper designs a load balancing algorithm which based on TD-SCDMA,WCDMA and CDMA2000 for multi-mode vehicle video surveillance which based on queuing theory and multi-link bundling technology.The load balancing algorithm takes the transmission delay,signal strength,carrier factor and packet loss rate of each network card as the equalization factor,and then as the basis for data forwarding when load balancing.Experiments show that the algorithm can make full use of the increase of user card to increase the transmission rate,and by bundling the different operators of the user card to improve the stability of data transmission,and the algorithm has greatly improved the data transmission rate than the commonly used rotation algorithm.%为了提高车载视频监控系统的视频传输质量,本文基于排队论,利用多链路捆绑技术,设计了基于TD-SCDMA,WCDMA和CDMA2000的多模车载视频监控的负载均衡算法.该负载均衡算法以各个网卡在数据传输时的传输时延、信号强度、运营商因子和丢包率加权作为均衡因子,依次作为负载均衡时数据转发的依据.经实验测试,本算法能够充分利用增加用户卡来增加传输速率,并通过捆绑不同运营商的用户卡来提高数据传输的稳定性,并且该算法较常用的轮询算法的数据传输速率有了较大提高.



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