首页> 中文期刊>古脊椎动物学报 >华南下扬子区的裂齿鱼类化石--华南二叠系-三叠系界线上下鱼类序列研究之二




The perleidid fishes in China were first discovered from Shaanxi in North China (Chou and Liu,1957). However,all the other known fossils were found from the Middle and Lower Yangtze region in South China(Fig. 1). Up to now, 3 genera and 7 species have been recognized and nominated from those discovered in the Yangtze region(Su,1981;Su and Li,1983;Qian et al.,1997;Liu et al.,2002).Among the known perleidid fishes in South China,most forms are improperly recognized or nominated based on only single incomplete and not well-prepared specimen,and some are evidently synonymous.The fishes from the Lower Yangtze region(2 genera and 6 species)are reexamined in the present paper,of which only Perleidus jiangsuensis and P.yangtzensis are valid to comply with the code of zoological nomenclature (Ride et al.,1985),and Perleidus aff.P.madagascariensis is probably not a perleidid.%重新描述了江苏句容与安徽和县的裂齿鱼类化石,将华南下扬子区已记述的2属5种裂齿鱼类化石初步修订为1属2种--江苏张氏鱼(Zhangina jiangsuensis)和扬子张氏鱼(Zhangina yangtzensis).由于目前对裂齿鱼类的系统发育关系所知甚少,张氏鱼属的系统位置以及相关的动物地理分布问题仍有待深入的研究.



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