首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >大学生创业企业的融资问题--以海博多功能背包有限责任公司为例




对于任何一个企业,融资是否成功是关系到其生死存亡的关键性问题,而资金就是企业的血液,就是企业的生命。没有资金,企业的各个部门就无法正常运行。也不管是什么行业,无论是销售商品或是提供劳务,一旦资金提供或周转出现问题,整个企业就会面临“多米诺”骨牌式的连锁反应,直至摧毁整个企业王朝,最终使之丧失战斗力,被挤出市场竞争的严峻舞台。所以,我们说,一个企业掌握着适宜企业生存发展的资金,那么整个企业就坚实地迈出了走向成功的第一步,而如何迈对和迈好这一步,尤其是对于当今不断涌出的大学生创业企业的融资问题,我们特以海博多功能背包公司为例,作为我们所关注和研究的重要课题。%The successful financing is the key of an enterprise's survival and development, and fund is the blood of an enterprise. Without find, the departments of an enterprise can't maintain normal operation. No matter what industry, commodities selling or labor offering, once the supply or turnover of fund goes wrong, the whole enterprise will face domino effect until it lose competitiveness and forced to leave the market. Therefore, suitable fund is the first step of an enterprise's success. How to take this step right and well, especially for business started by college students, is very important. This article takes Haibo Multi-function Bag Co., Ltd. as an example to study this topic.



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