首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >突破地区传统经验,充分挖掘地基土承载力潜力




文章以潍坊瑞都广场为例,以经验法(现场标准贯入试验测试方法和物理力学性质指标)初步确定地基土承载力特征值,理论计算结合现场平板载荷试验,准确确定地基土承载力特征值,并提供了技术可行、经济合理的天然地基基础方案,该项目是当地类似工程第一个采用天然地基基础方案的案例,后期监测表明,各项变形参数均在规范允许变形值范围之内,该项目突破了地区传统经验,经济效益和社会效益显著,为以后类似勘察项目采用此方案提供了佐证。%With the case of Weifang Ruidu Plaza, this paper initially identified the foundation soil bearing capacity values with experience method (field standard penetration test method and the physical and mechanical properties indicators), and accurately determined the foundation soil bearing force characteristic values combining with the theoretical calculations and field plate loading test, and provided a technically feasible and economically reasonable natural foundation program. This project is the first case by using natural foundation programs in this region. The post-monitoring shows that the deformation parameters are in the range of deformation values in specification, and this project break the traditional experience, and has a significant economic and social benefits, and also provides evidence for the application of this scheme in future similar projects.



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