首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >关于完善我国高校融资方式的研究




院近年来,我国的高等教育的发展十分的迅速,各个高校为了扩大招生规模不断的进行校舍的建设,但是由于各个高校的筹资渠道单一导致各个高校的经费严重不足,各高校如何开拓新的融资渠道满足高校的扩建和发展是摆在我们大家面前的一个重要的课题。本文主要针对目前关于高校融资方面的定性研究比较多而定量研究比较少的现状而展开了山东省内部分高校的融资情况进行的定量调查研究,总结出目前存在于高校中关于融资情况的问题。最后在理论分析和实例分析的基础上并结合我们国家当前的融资政策,从市场经济发展的角度提出了完善和拓展我国高等院校融资渠道多元化发展的几点建议。%In recent years, the development of higher education in China is very quickly. Various colleges and universities continue to carry out the construction of school buildings in order to expand enrollment. But the single financing way led to a serious shortage of the funding for universities, so how to develop new financing channels to meet the expansion and development of universities is an important topic. Aiming at the situation that the qualitative research on the universities financing is more while the quantitative research is less, this article launched a quantitative survey research on the financing status of some colleges and universities in Shandong province, summed up the current problems, and finally, based on theoretical analysis and case analysis and combined with our country's current financing policies, proposed suggestions on the diversification development of financing channels of China's universities from the perspective of the market economy development.



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