首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >电力工程安全管理的方法与实践




本文从电力工程安全管理研究现状从发,阐述了我国电力工程安全管理的研究内容。在此基础上,从理论的高度来提出如何有效识别工程中的安全隐患的方法;同时,在分析电力工程特点的基础上,结合工程实际,将安全管理理论与实践融合起来,对本研究的思想和方法进行了检验,并取得了良好的安全管理效果。最后,通过对这些研究成果的系统分析和归纳,进一步提出了目前电力工程安全管理中存在的深层问题。%From the research situation of the power construction safety management, this paper the research content of the power construction safety management in China. On the basis of this, the methods to effectively identify the construction safety risks are put forward from the height of the theory. At the same time, based on analyzing the characteristics of electric power construction, the theory and practice of safety management are integrated by combining with the practical construction. The ideas and methods of this research are inspected and it achieved good effect of safety management. Finally, through the analysis and induction of the research results, the paper further puts forward the deep problems in power construction safety management.



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