首页> 中文期刊>城市轨道交通研究 >基于城市轨道交通的公共自行车交通特征




近年来,公共自行车作为一项新颖的交通项目在我国许多城市得到了迅速发展.以上海市闵行区公共自行车使用者调查结果及500辆公共自行车在一周内的运转情况为分析对象,探讨了公共自行车的相关特性,包括自行车接驳轨道交通、单辆自行车每日使用次数等特点.分析结果表明:公共自行车在城市外围地区接驳城市轨道交通中发挥了独特作用,公共自行车循环使用的特点可减少自行车停车场的土地占用面积.%In recent years, public bicycle system has been developing rapidly as an innovative transport project in many Chinese cities. In this paper, the public bike users are investigated about the current operating conditions. Based on the data of 500 public bicycles operated in a whole week, the behavior of public bicycle transportation is analyzed,including the number of daily cycling for every bicycle, the characteristics of public bicycle linking to urban rail stations and so on. It reaches the following conclusion: firstly, public bicycle could play an important role in linking with urban rail transit in the outskirts; secondly, the public bicycle could reduce the land for bicycle parking.



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