首页> 中文期刊> 《非常规油气》 >长岭气田营城组火山岩气藏开发的阶段性思考




For high velocity of water invasion and sharp decline of production in gas reservoir development of Yingcheng Formation in Changling Gas Field, development and damage to stable production of gas reservoir was analyzed to provide basic research results and theoretical basis for next development. With perception of static reservoir feature and dynamic development feature, based on dynamic analysis, in particular, starting from elastic energy index reflecting the maintaining status of gas reservoir, development characteristics, influence of water invasion, current state and further research on reser-voir development were analyzed and discussed. It was confirmed that seasonal peak shaving measures were main causes of water invasion, and its essence was the destruction of the balance between gas and water caused by large production pres-sure difference, which led to rapid water invasion of gas reservoir. However, the gas reservoir as a whole was not affected by the destruction;even it had a certain period of stable capability. It was suggested that the pilot test of the gas reservoir with targeted gas reservoir description and drainage gas recovery be the next step, and positive research and formulation of gas reservoir adjustment scheme be carried out, so as to truly realize scientific and reasonable development of gas res-ervoir.%长岭气田营城组火山岩气藏开发中水侵速度及产量递减快, 需要分析气藏目前开发状况与稳产基础受损情况, 为气藏下步开发调整提供基础数据和理论依据. 结合气藏静态储层认识与开发动态特征, 利用气田动态分析方法, 从气藏弹性能量指数入手, 分析了气藏的开发特点、 气藏水侵、 气藏开发现状及下步研究及攻关方向, 明确季节性调峰措施是引起目前水侵的主要原因, 其本质是生产压差偏大导致气水平衡破坏而引起气藏快速水侵, 但气藏整体没有受到较大的破坏性影响, 仍具备一定时期的稳产能力. 建议该气藏下步开展有针对性的气藏描述和排水采气的先导试验, 并超前开展气藏调整方案的研究与编制工作, 使气藏真正实现科学合理开发.



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