首页> 中文期刊> 《交通科技》 >丹江口汉江公路大桥主塔承台水化热温控分析




由大体积混凝土浇筑产生的温度应力而导致的混凝土开裂是比较普遍的现象,水化热产生的裂缝尤其是贯穿结构内部的裂缝对结构的承载力、防水能力,以及耐久性都会产生不良的影响。目前应用有限元仿真进行的数值计算方法是大体积混凝土水化热计算常见的方法之一。文中用 MIDAS/CIVIL 2012有限元分析软件对8号主塔承台进行水化热的计算分析,通过对不布设冷水管和布设冷水管的工况进行计算,得到承台内部对应位置的温度均大幅度降低,同时布设冷水管后承台内不利节点的应力也有大幅度的降低,可有效控制混凝土开裂。%In the construction of concrete bridge engineering platform,concrete cracking caused by temperature stress produced during the casting of large volume concrete is a relatively common phe-nomenon.The crack generated by hydration heat especially the cracks throughout the internal struc-ture have an adverse effect on the bearing capacity of the structure,the waterproof ability and durabil-ity.Currently,the application of the finite element numerical simulation calculation method is one of the common methods of thermal mass concrete water calculation,using MIDAS/CIVIL 2012 finite el-ement analysis software in this paper,the analysis and calculation of the heat of hydration on No.8 main tower abutment are completed.The result shows that the layout about the cold water pipe is one of the effective methods to reduce the heat of hydration.



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