首页> 中文期刊>农业机械学报 >电控玉米排种系统设计与试验




When the traditional maize seeder works in the field,the power of seed metering device comes from ground steel.Aiming at the problem that the field conditions are so complicated that the ground steel will skid easily,then the miss index will be increased,an electronic maize sowing control system was designed.The police traffic radar collected the sowing operation speed when the sowing was started,then the control system will calculate the seed metering device rotational speed combined with the theoretical particle distance.The rotary encoder collected the seed metering device rotational speed,then the controller would process speed based on control strategy and obtained the last speed.The optimal process of control strategy can improve the accuracy.The results of the field test showed that when the electronic control seed metering device was working in the field,the average qualified index was 92.40%,which was increased by 3.63 percentage points compared with the traditional sowing.The average miss index was 4.82% and it was reduced by 2.04 percentage points compared with the traditional sowing.The variability of seed-spaces was less than 4.20% and the sowing effects were much more than the national standard.When the speed of sowing was more than 10km/h,the effects was worse than other cases,therefore some improvement on the structure to improve the accuracy.The design of the electronic control maize seed metering device provided some definite reference for study of sowing control system.%传统精量玉米播种机作业时,排种器的动力由地轮提供,针对由于田间作业工况复杂导致地轮打滑而造成漏播率增加等问题,设计了电控玉米排种系统.该系统在田间播种作业时,由雷达测速仪采集播种作业速度,结合所需粒距得到排种器理论转速;通过编码器采集排种器实时转速,利用控制器控制策略,进行转速的最优控制,从而得到目标排种转速,提高排种精度.田间试验结果表明:应用该电控排种系统进行田间玉米播种作业时,排种合格指数平均值为92.40%,与传统排种相比提高3.63个百分点;漏播指数平均值为4.82%,与传统排种相比降低2.04个百分点;不同播种作业工况下粒距变异系数均小于4.20%,播种效果好.



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