首页> 中文期刊> 《电工技术学报》 >用于多重化逆变的移相变压器




在多重化逆变中,需要移相变压器把多相逆变器输出的非正弦电压进行合成,使输出电压为接近正弦的多阶梯波形。为了改善结构和电气性能,该文提出了一种新型磁路结构的移相变压器,和普通移相整流变压器相比,新型变压器铁心为圆形结构,整体结构更为紧凑和对称,电路结构更为简单。针对双Y/Y绕组变压器,理论证明了5次、7次等主要低次谐波被消除,合成磁动势为一接近圆形的旋转矢量,并数值仿真分析了不同类型谐波电流所生成的磁场的性质。给出了由新型变压器构成的多重化逆变器的数学模型并对基本特性进行了仿真。最后,基于多重化逆变系统,实验验证了新型移相变压器的有效性,结合设计对主要性能进行了分析。%In multi-module inverter systems, phase-shift transformers are needed to compose voltages of square waveform into voltages of staircase waveform. To improve the constructional and electric performance of the normal phase-shift transformers, a novel transformer constructed in round-shape is proposed. Contrast to the normal phase-shift transformers, the iron core of the novel transformer is more compact and symmetrical, and the windings construction and connection are simpler. Focusing on a dual Y/~ transformer of round-shape, the paper theoretically proves that the 5th, 7th et al. Harmonics are eliminated from the composed magnetomotive force(MMF) and numerically analyzes the characteristics of magnetic fields produced by harmonic currents. Mathematical model of the novel transformer is set up and the main performance is analyzed by simulation. Finally, based on system of multi-module inverter, validity of the novel transformer is verified, and its main performance is analyzed experimentally.



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