首页> 中文期刊> 《工会论坛——山东省工会管理干部学院学报》 >试析经济新常态下国企职工思想政治教育体系建设新模式




随着国民经济发展进入“新常态”,如何增强职工思想政治教育的有效性和实用性,成为国有企业日益关注的课题。在社会价值观趋于多元化、个性主张日益凸显、自媒体迅猛发展的今天,如何进一步加强国有企业职工的思想政治教育,对于发挥职工思想意识的能动性、增强企业经营绩效、弘扬社会主义核心价值观具有特殊重要的意义。本文通过科学的数理统计工,引入合理的分析模型,探析了经济新常态下国企职工政治思想引导、教育和体制建设的新模式。%As the development of national economy enters a“new normal”, the issue of strengthening the effectiveness and practicability of ideo-logical and political education for staff has become an increasingly hot spot and topic. In today, people’s social values tend to be diversified, individu-ality becomes increasingly prominent and We Media gets rapid development. Under such circumstances, how to further strengthen ideological and po-litical education for state-owned enterprise staff has a special significance to exert ideological initiative of staff, improve operational performance of enterprises and advocate socialist core values. This paper, through scientific mathematical statistics and reasonable analytical models, explores the new model of political and ideological guidance and education as well as mechanism construction for state-owned enterprise staff, as follows:strengthening ideological and political guidance should be based on the unity of ideological appeals and individual value orientation, the unity of indi-vidual value orientation and enterprise development direction, as well as the controllable, sustainable and effective operation of systems.



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