首页> 中文期刊>学理论 >互联网视域下女大学生安全意识形象的媒介建构--以新浪网为例




本文采用内容分析法对新浪网报道的女大学生安全问题进行调查分析后发现,女大学生过多被塑造成安全意识薄弱的负面形象和受难者形象,正面形象的比例略低。这种形象形成的根源与媒体的议程设置、社会责任、注意力经济博弈、女性被消费的刻板印象等相关。大众应理清现实与媒体图景的区别,媒体更需建构全面、客观的女大学生安全意识形象。%This paper After investigation and analysis with the method of content on the safety problems of female college students sina net reported found that female college students is portrayed as the negative image and suffering image of weak safety awareness, the proportion of positive image is slightly lower. The root causes of the image formation are related to the agenda setting of the media, social responsibility, attention economy game, the stereotype of women being consumed, and so on. The public should sort out the difference between the reality and the media, and the media should construct a comprehensive and objective image of female college students' safety awareness.



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