首页> 中文期刊>财经理论与实践 >人寿保险行业市场结构及影响因素研究




准入退出壁垒、市场集中度、规模经济和范围经济以及产品差异化等是影响人寿保险业市场结构的主要因素。中国保险市场准入、退出的行政性政策壁垒较高,市场集中度较高,属于寡占 III 型市场结构;寿险业保费规模、保险密度、保险深度、保险资产总额占 GDP 的比重、保险资产总额占整个金融资产的比重较低;寿险产品同质化现象较严重。鉴此,应降低市场进入壁垒,建立市场退出机制,达到优化市场结构,提高资源配置效率目的。%Entry & exit barriar,industry market concentration,economy of scale,economy of scope,product differentiation are the main influencing factors of the market structure of the life insurance access and exit mechanism.The study found that:the administrative policies and barri-ers of China's insurance market entry and exit is also high;China's life insurance industry market concentration gradually decreased,but compared with the developed countries,China's life insur-ance industry is of a high degree of market concentration,market structure is oligopolistic type III;China's life insurance premium scale,insurance density,insurance depth,total insurance as-sets accounted for the proportion of GDP,total insurance assets accounted for the proportion of financial assets is relatively low;life insurance products homogenization phenomenon is serious, participating insurance products become the focus and trend of development of the life insurance company;reducing the insurance market entry barriers,and the establishment of the delisting mechanism properly is conducive to optimizing the structure of life insurance market,and impro-ving the allocation efficiency of the life insurance industry resources.



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