首页> 中文期刊> 《北方论丛》 >《瓦尔登湖》引用中国先秦经典之方式及其意蕴探微




Walden written by Thoreau has deep complex of classics of early Qin. In Walden, the citation methods are various, such as direct citation, or indirect citation which contain deep reflection of sincerity, goodness and beauty. The citation of classics not only enriches the cultural connotation, enhances the thinking level but also displays westerners’ tolerance and understanding of ancient classics. All of the influence shows the charm and vividness of Chinese classics on western intellectuals. In the intercultural pattern, Walden successfully cited the classics in early Qin Dynasty, which makes the masterpiece quite outstanding.%梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》具有很深的中国先秦经典情结。在其著作中或明引,或间引,或暗引,引用自如,方式灵活,契合自洽,体现了真、善、美的高度完美的有机结合。引用经典,不仅丰富了文化意蕴,提升了思想境界,而且更是彰显了西方学者酷爱中国先秦圣哲经典好学精神与宏阔视野,由此彰显出中国传统文化的无限魅力。在当今世界多元文化交融发展的生态格局中,《瓦尔登湖》全方位、多角度、立体化地引用中国先秦圣哲经典精神的成功典范,更具有学术价值与启迪意义。



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