首页> 中文期刊> 《印染助剂》 >阳离子生物蛋白衍生物固色剂的合成及应用




A quaternary ammonium salt cationic biological protein derivative fixing agent (WLS- 20) was prepared using waste feather protein and self- made reactive cationic crosslinking modification agent WLS as raw materials, which was applied in the fixation post- treatment of reactive dyed cotton fabric. Using white cloth staining degree (K/S value) of soaping post- treatment and soaping fastness as evaluation indexes, the ef⁃fects of mass ratio of abandoned feather protein and WLS, alkali agent dosage, reaction temperature and reac⁃tion time on the fixation result were investigated. The optimum synthesis conditions of fixing agent WLS- 20 was determined: the mass ratio of feather protein and WLS was 1∶16, sodium hydroxide dosage was 3% (on the mass of WLS), reacted at 65 ℃ for 4 h. The structure and performance of the agent was characterized. The results showed that the WLS- 20 had absorbance to UV light, and the maximum absorption wavelength is 195 nm. WLS- 20 additives dosage and absorbance had the best linear relationship under the maximum ab⁃sorption wavelength. WLS- 20 synthesized under the optimum conditions could reduce the white cloth stain⁃ing during soaping, and effectively improved the color fastness to washing and crocking of cotton fabric.%首先以废弃羽毛蛋白和自制反应性阳离子交联改性剂WLS为原料,制备一种季铵型阳离子生物蛋白衍生物固色剂WLS-20,再将其用于活性染料染色棉织物固色后处理中。以皂洗后处理时色布对白布沾色程度(测定K/S值)以及耐皂洗色牢度等为评价指标,研究了废弃羽毛蛋白粉与WLS质量比、碱剂用量、反应温度、反应时间等合成工艺条件对染色棉织物固色效果的影响,确定了固色剂WLS-20的最佳合成条件:羽毛蛋白与WLS质量比为1∶16,氢氧化钠用量为3%(对WLS质量),65℃恒温反应4 h,并对该助剂结构和性能进行了表征。研究结果表明,阳离子蛋白固色剂WLS-20对紫外光有吸收性,其最大吸收波长为195 nm,在此波长下,WLS-20助剂质量浓度与吸光度成良好的线性关系。按最佳条件合成的固色剂WLS-20能够减少皂洗时对白布的沾色,有效提高棉织物的耐皂洗色牢度和耐摩擦色牢度。



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