首页> 中文期刊> 《技术与市场 》 >新媒体在入境旅游目的地营销中的应用——以四川省为例




This study investigates new media as an inbound tourism destination-marketing tool.The Internet and other new technologies have changed the tourism industry in an unprecedented way.The increasing use of new media applications forces destination-marketing organizations (DMOs) to respond to the trend.In the case of Sichuan Province, an inland tourist destination in west China, the provincial tourism administration seeks to adopt and integrate new information communication technologies (ICTs) to better communicate with inbound tourists.This situation provides a good opportunity to look at how new media can be used for inbound destination marketing.To this end, this study begins with the examination of inbound marketing strategies of Sichuan as to understand the new media technology adoption.Then, it goes to discuss inbound marketing architecture for synchronizing channels, which includes search engine optimization, social media and content marketing.In conclusion, the findings with strong managerial implication for inbound destination marketing can be used as a basis or theoretical framework for the further related research.%从入境旅游者和目的地营销机构的双重视角,采用案例研究的方式,揭示四川入境旅游目的地营销中的现状与困局,探讨新媒体运用于入境旅游目的地营销的渠道与策略.研究表明:新媒体旅游营销是搜索引擎、社交媒体与旅游信息发布三类渠道的综合运用;优化旅游搜索引擎,完善旅游门户网站,搭建官方旅游博客,重视社交媒体互动等新媒体策略,将有助于破解入境旅游目的地营销的困局,可为四川省创建"世界旅游目的地"提供决策依据.



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