首页> 中文期刊>震灾防御技术 >等效线性化地震反应的震级距离参数调整法及其在地震安全性评价中的应用




One of the critical shortcomings by traditional equivalent linear method (EQLM) is that when large motions are input, the magnification of high frequency components calculated is obviously lower than that observed. In seismic safety evaluation, such defect may lead to a serious result of underestimating design ground motion parameters for key projects. In 2010, Shen Jianwen and etc. Suggested a EQLM (M, R) method to improve EQLM through parameters of magnitudes and distances. In this paper we point out the important effect of the strain discount coefficient to the computation result, and discuss equivalent linear method EQLM (M, R) further. Taking a seismic safety evaluation project as an example, we determine magnitude-distance pairs with the concept of scenario earthquake, and calculate the soil seismic response.%传统等效线性化波动法最主要的缺陷之一是,当基岩输入地震动较强时,高频段算得的放大倍率比实际场地的实测结果明显偏低.在地震安全性评价中,该缺陷导致了低估重大工程设计地震动参数的严重后果.为弥补等效线性化方法的上述缺陷,沈建文等(2010)提出了通过震级M和距离R参数修正等效线性化的方法EQLM(M,R).本文指出应变折减系数对计算结果的重要影响,对土层反应的等效线性化方法EQLM (M,R)做了进一步的讨论.同时结合地震安全性评价的算例,用设定地震确定了震级—距离,用EQLM (M,R)完成了土层反应的计算.



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