首页> 中文期刊>搏击·武术科学 >发展竞技跆拳道柔韧素质的实验研究




This article has mainly analyzed the " Flexibility training of Taekwondo Athletes " by using the methods of experiment, literature, expert interview and comparative analysis. Dynamic Stretching and PNF Stretching are two advanced training concepts that are introduced into Flexible training of Taekwondo athletes, in order to improve the technology level of Taekwondo athletes. The main conclusions: the traditional stretching Flexibility training of Taekwondo is easy to make tissue temperature reduced, muscle strength decline, causing the stretch reflex and muscle injure, which affect athlete's performance ability; the advantages of Dynamic Stretching method is through the close combination with special technology, no vibration and rebound, will not cause strong stretch reflex and allow athletes to quickly into the training state; PNF stretching method to improve the flexibility of tension, muscle strength and injury prevention is better than any other stretching methods, which has brought new ideas for Flexibility Training of Taekwondo.%文章主要采用实验法、文献资料法、专家访谈法和对比分析方法,对“竞技跆拳道柔韧素质训练”进行系统分析,提出将动态拉伸和PNF牵伸术两种先进训练理念,引入竞技跆拳道柔韧素质训练中,以促进运动员柔韧素质的提高。研究结论认为:竞技跆拳道传统柔韧素质练习容易使组织温度降低、肌肉力量下降、引起牵张反射、造成肌肉损伤,影响运动员表现力;动态拉伸的优点是通过与专项技术紧密结合,没有振动和回弹,不会引起强烈的牵张反射,使运动员较快进入训练状态;PNF牵伸术对改善柔韧拉伸、肌肉力量和预防损伤优于其他任何一种拉伸方法,为竞技跆拳道柔韧训练带来了全新理念。



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