首页> 中文期刊>系统工程与电子技术 >基于LPV的超空泡航行体H∞抗饱和控制




针对超空泡航行体在运动过程中面临的执行器饱和问题,提出一种基于线性变参数(linear parame-ter varing ,LPV)的抗饱和控制方法。首先在航行体动力学模型基础上考虑执行器饱和非线性因素,将滑行力和执行器分别建模为时变参数的仿射函数,最终得到系统矩阵仿射依赖于时变参数的 LPV 模型,同时,该模型也考虑了噪声干扰条件下控制器的鲁棒性。基于该 LPV 模型,运用多面体理论和 Lyapunov 方法设计了不依赖于时变参数的静态状态反馈控制器。仿真结果表明,所设计的控制器可以保证航行体在执行器发生饱和时仍能渐近跟踪给定深度指令,且在零初始条件下具有对噪声的 H ∞抑制性能。%In order to solve the actuator saturation problem that occurs in the dynamic process of the high speed supercavitating vehicle,an anti-windup controller based on the linear parameter varing (LPV)method is proposed.First,the dynamic model is expanded into a model which takes the actuator saturation nonlinearity in-to consideration.By modeling the planing force and the actuators as affine functions of time-varying parameters, the resulting system matrixes of the LPV model depend affinely on the time-varying parameters.Also the noise disturb-ance is included to make the controller robust.Based on this model,the polyhedron method and the Lyapunov theory are applied to design a static state feedback controller that has no dependence on the time-varying parameters.Simula-tion results show that the designed controller can guarantee the tracking performance of the closed-loop system in face of the actuator saturation,and achieve the given H ∞ performance under zero initial conditions.



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