首页> 中文期刊> 《路基工程》 >芜铜高速公路上马村滑坡稳定性分析与研究




Landslide is caused by interaction of multiple factors. Rainfall is known as the main factor which affects the stability of slope. Through study on monitoring result of Shangmacun landslide deformation, it is shown that rainfall is positively related to landslide failure, and the latter does not occur at the same time of the former but with a certain hysteresis. The stability of landslide under different conditions is calculated using transfer coefficient method in limit equilibrium method, and the stress-strain of landslide under saturated condition and front slope excavation condition are separately studied using numerical simulation. Thus the corresponding stability condition and deformation characteristics of landslide are obtained, which provides theoretical foundation for landslide treatment.%滑坡的发生是多因素共同作用的结果,而降雨是影响滑坡稳定性的关键性因素之一.通过上马村滑坡变形监测结果的研究表明:降雨与滑坡变形破坏呈正相关性以及滑坡变形破坏与降雨存在一定的滞后现象;采用极限平衡法中的传递系数法对滑坡在不同工况下的稳定性进行了计算,并通过数值模拟对滑坡在饱水状态、坡体前缘开挖两种工况下的应力应变进行了研究,得出滑坡体其相应的稳定状态和变形特征,为滑坡的治理提供了理论依据.



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