首页> 中文期刊>蒲松龄研究 >淄博市博物馆藏青柯亭刻本《聊斋志异》述略




蒲松龄的传世巨著《聊斋志异》版本众多,大都以青柯亭刻本为祖本、母本翻制刻印。青柯亭本的问世,真正实现了《聊斋志异》由稿本、抄本到刻本的突破,并且改正了一些稿本和抄本存在的讹误,又由于其最接近原作,蕴含了大量的史料,青柯亭刻本无疑是对后世影响最大的版本,具有极高的学术研究价值。淄博市博物馆藏的青柯亭刻本《聊斋志异》,是罕见的青柯亭初刻本、首印本,因存世量极少,弥足珍贵。该套书的征集入藏,是蒲松龄故里文化遗产保护中的重大收获,为《聊斋志异》的综合研究,增添了重要的文献依据。%There are many editions of Pu Songling's masterpiece Liao Zhai Zhi Y i,which are mainly duplicates of the Qingketing carving copy. The appearance of the Qingketing carving copy truly realized the breakthrough from the manusc-ript and transcript copies. It is the closest to the original works and contains an abundant of historical materials,which makes it have the greatest impact and very high academic values. The Qingketing carving copy of Liao Zhai Zhi Y i collected by Zibo Museum is the rare master copy,and is extremely precious for its rare distinction. The collection of this set of books is the major harvest in the cultural heritage protection in Pu Songling's hometown,and it adds vital do-cument basis to the integrated study on Liao Zhai Zhi Yi.



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