首页> 中文期刊> 《文化艺术研究》 >清代戏曲目录学家黄文吻生平事迹考




Looking into the materials about Huang Wenyang including historical records, local chronicles and collections of poems, the paper studies his date of birth and death, families and friends and further concludes as follows: Huang Wenyang (1736- an uncertain year after 1809), also named Qiuping, was born in Ganquan of Jiangsu; he came from a declined family of salt, failed in civil servant tests repeated- ly and ended up as a "tribute student" (those who passing the imperial test at the county level with fine results and then chosen to further their education in the Imperial College). In the 46th year of Emperor Qianlong' s reign, he presented the traditional opera in Yangzhou and then spent the rest of his life trav- eling in the Eastern part of China. With a good knowledge of history, he was good at poetry and operas. Among his prolific writings, Poetry Anthology in Saogou Mountain House and Catalogue of Opera tunes are still available. He is an important bibliographer of traditional operas in the Qing Dynasty.%钩稽有关史传、方志、诗文集等资料,对黄文呖生卒年、家室、游幕等作考订,最后推断出:黄文呖(1736-1809后),字时若,号秋平,江苏甘泉人。出身扬州破落盐商家庭,家境窘困,屡试不第,终以贡生。乾隆四十六年总裁扬州词曲局进呈词曲,晚年游历齐鲁吴越间,颇受阮元等名流器重。研通经史,擅诗文词曲,著述宏富,现存《扫垢山房诗钞》、《曲海目》两种,为清代重要的戏曲目录学家。



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