首页> 中文期刊>文化艺术研究 >古代丝绸之路的历史作用概论




The historical function of the Silk Road is a big topic.There have been quite a few stud-ies but not many are discussed from the perspective of macro-history and cross-culture.This paper introduces some of the major ancient passageways for business and trade across Europe and Asia in the history of human civilization, discussing the historical function of the ancient Silk Road in the development of China' s culture and progress of human civilization from a macroscopic cross-cultural horizon, putting forward six new arguments and insisting that the strategy of"the Belt and Road" is an inheritance and development of the historical mode of cultural communication and mutual ex-change co-created by the countries and nations along the ancient Silk Road.%丝绸之路的历史作用是个大题目, 以往的研究不可谓少, 但从大历史、 跨文化视角进行系统探讨的却并不多. 本文介绍了欧亚大陆早期人类文明交流互鉴史上的几条主要商贸通道, 从宏观的跨文化视域就古代丝绸之路对中国文化发展和人类文明进步所发挥的历史性作用进行了分析, 提出了六大新论点, 并认为 "一带一路" 战略是对古代丝绸之路沿线各国和各民族共同创造的文化交流互鉴的继承和发展.



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