首页> 中文期刊>中国工程科学 >青藏高原及东缘新一代大气综合探测系统应用平台——中日合作JICA项目




A China-Japan cooperative JICA (Japan international cooperation agency) project on monitoring the Tibetan plateau atmosphere ( JICA/Tibet Project) was implemented from 2005 to 2009. Over the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding region, the JICA/Tibet Project set up a comprehensive atmospheric observing system, including the GPS water vapor observations, the observations of radio-soundings, automatic weather stations ( AWSs) , wind profilers, planetary boundary layer (PBL) observing system and water surface observing system, as well as the satellite remote sensing observations. The implementation of the JICA/Tibet Project not only enhances greatly the capability on monitoring the plateau atmosphere and collecting the meteorological data, but also raises both quality and quantity of the atmospheric observing data over the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding region. In the JICA/Tibet Project, the severe weather early warning and forecasting platform were set up and applied to the routine meteorological operations. The comprehensive three-dimension atmospheric observing system over the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding region built by the JICA/Tibet Project has important values not only for the scientific researches on the weather and climate over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts, but also for the real application in preventing and reducing meteorological disasters through raising capabilities of monitoring, warning and predicting disastrous weather and climate.%2005年至2009年中日科学家合作执行了JICA(Japan international cooperation agency)项目,建立了包括GPS水汽观测、探空观测、自动气象站等组成的青藏高原及其东部大气的综合监测网,有效提升了青藏高原及其东部周边地区气象综合监测能力和气象资料的采集能力,提高了青藏高原及其东部周边地区大气观测资料的数量和质量.建立了灾害天气早期预警和预报平台,并在业务中得到了应用.JICA项目青藏高原大气综合监测网的建立,不仅在提高对高原及其东部灾害天气气候的认识方面具有重要的科学意义,也在高原及其东部灾害天气气候的监测、预报、预警和评估的业务能力,减轻气象灾害造成的损失,提高气象部门防灾减灾决策能力等方面具有重要的实际应用价值.



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