首页> 中文期刊> 《统计研究》 >中国银行业规模经济的实证检验




In this paper, we make the sample as three group, the first group is all the sixteen commercial banks, the second group is the four state banks, and the third group is the other twelve commercial banks. By using a translogarithmic cost funtion, we estimate the coefficient of economies of scale of Chinese commercial banking in 1994 ~ 2001. The result show that during the sample period the state banks experience a process of from scale diseconomies to scale economies and again to scale diseconomies, and the other commercial banks gradualleither too big in size or inefficiencybenefits by developing in size.y show property of scale economies. It means the four state banks isin manage-ment, while the other commercial banks may exploit scale benefits by developing in size.



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