首页> 中文期刊> 《航天器工程》 >卫星表面物体反射光对太阳敏感器的影响分析




太阳敏感器是卫星姿态确定和控制的关键产品,在轨工作时,可能会受到卫星表面物体反射光等杂反光的影响,反射光进入到太阳敏感器视场后,会对敏感器造成干扰,导致控制系统做出误判.文章在分析卫星表面物体对太阳敏感器的遮挡及反射光特性的基础上,提出了一种定量计算卫星表面物体反射光强度的方法;并以某卫星为例,计算了卫星表面物体反射进入太阳敏感器的太阳光强度;在此基础上,提出了合理选择卫星外表面热控材料以降低反射光影响的措施.%Sun sensor is the critical equipment of satellite attitude determination and control system,it may be affected by stray light such as satellite's external object reflected light. When the inflected light enters the field of view of the sun sensor,it may cause interference to the sensor and then causes the attitude control system to make a false judgment.Based on the analysis of overshadow by satellite and the characteristics of the reflected light,a quantitative method of calculating the intensity of reflected light is proposed in the paper. Taking a certain type of satellites as an example,reflectied light of satellite's external object into sun sensor is calculated,the measures to reduce the influence of reflected light by rea-sonably choosing thermal control materials are proposed.



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