首页> 中文期刊> 《航天器工程》 >应用无线传感器网络的月表环境长期无人监测系统构想




针对月表昼夜温差大、月壤结构松散、空间辐射强的特点,提出一种应用无线传感器网络的月袁环境监测系统构想,实现对月表环境的长期无人监测.该系统分别由月表无线传感器网络、月球中继卫星、地球中继卫星和地球地面站组成.通过月表无线传感器网络节点上的太阳能电池设计,实现节点的可持续工作.通过节点外形设计和采用电帘除尘技术,可防止节点被月尘掩埋.节点采用热控包覆和主动热控措施,能适应月球高低温环境.为提高无线传感器网络的生命周期,提出一种基于能量均衡的路由技术.针对月表环境监测系统,设计了月表-月球中继-地球中继-地球地面站的通信协议栈,地月中继通信技术能保证月表环境参数实时传回地面.与微波探测、月球车探测等传统月表环境探测技术相比,文章提出的系统具有能抵近探测、探测对象多、探测范围广、探测时间长、系统可靠性高和成本低的优势.%An idea for lunar surface environment monitoring system by using WSN (wireless sensor network) is proposed for long-term unmanned monitoring,considering the large temperature difference between day and night,the loose soil structure of lunar surface and the space radiation intensity.The system is composed of WSN,relay satellite of lunar,relay satellite of earth and earth station.The solar cell technology is used for the node's sustainable work.In order to avoid being buried,the shape of the node is designed,and dust removal by electric curtain is adopted.The thermal control coating and heating device of node are designed to adapt the high and low temperature environment.An energy-balanced routing protocol is proposed to prolong the network lifetime.The communication protocol stack for lunar surface,lunar relay satellite,earth relay satellite and earth station is designed.The earth-moon communication technique based on relay satellite is proposed to guarantee real-time data transmission.Compared with the traditional technique such as microwave detector and rover,the idea proposed in this paper has advantages such as more detecting objects,larger detection range,longer detection time,higher reliability and lower costs.



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