首页> 中文期刊> 《西南农业学报》 >四川省油菜施肥状况调查




根据四川省油菜种植农户随机抽样调查结果,分析研究了油菜施肥状况及存在的问题.结果表明,尿素和碳铵的施用比例分别为78.5%、50.3%,过磷酸钙和复合肥的比例均为40.0%左右,未施用单质K素化肥.全省油菜N、P2O5 、K2O平均总投入量分别为251、87、66 kg/hm2,N∶P2O5∶ K2O为1∶0.35∶0.26.化肥养分投入量分级结果表明,施N量>150 kg/hm2的比例为63.2%,施P2O5量<60 kg/hm2的比例为69.4%,施K2O量<80 kg/hm2的比例为96.9%.油菜施肥次数为2-3次,基N比例适宜的农户仅占13.1%.全省油菜平均单产2076kg/hm2,纯收益为4574元/hm2.施肥中存在的主要问题是:①存在氮肥过量施用和偏施的现象;②氮磷钾养分比例不协调,尤其钾肥比例偏低;③氮肥基追比例不合理,施肥技术有待于进一步提高.%Sampling survey of the rapeseed fertilization by farmers in Sichuan province in 2008 was conducted. Based on the investigative data, the situation and problem of the rapeseed fertilization in Sichuan province was studied. The results showed that the proportion of farmers applying urea and ammonium bicarbonate was respectively 78.5% and 50.3%; however, the ratio of fanners applying superphosphate and compound fertilizer was both about 40% , with no single chemical K fertilizer used. The average application amount of N, P2O5 and K2O fertilizer was 251, 87 and 66 kg/hm2, respectively, the ratio was 1:0.35:0.26. The results of chemical N, P2O5 and K2O application rate grade showed that, the proportion of farmers applying N over 150 kg/hm2, P2O5 below 60 kg/hm2 and K2O below 80 kg/hm2 was respectively 63.2% , 69.4% , and 96.9%. The application frequency was 2-3 tunes in the whole growth period, however, among all the proportions of basal N fertilizer, only 13.1 % was optional. The average yield of rapeseed in Sichuan amounted to 2076 kg/hm2 , with an average profit of 4574 yuan/hm2. The existing questions are analyzed in Sichuan Province. Firstly, there was a phenomenon of excessive and partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. Secondly, the ratio of N: P2O5: K2O was unbalanced, especially K2O was too low. Thirdly, the ratio of basal N fertilizer was unreasonable and fanners' technique of fertilization needs to be further enhanced.



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