首页> 中文期刊> 《西南农业学报》 >安岳县2008-2012年农田作物植被碳储量及其空间分布




[目的]本文依据安岳县统计年鉴资料,对县级小尺度区域内部乡镇之间差异的碳储量及碳密度进行分析研究.[方法]获取主要农作物经济产量、耕作面积等统计数据,对安岳县近5年来(2008-2012)植被碳储量进行估算.[结果]在安岳县近5年来作物植被碳储量平均值构成中以大春作物为主,作物中水稻所占比重最多,红苕所占比重相对较少.各作物植被碳储量分别为:小麦14.45×104t,玉米13.45×104t,水稻18.31×104t,红苕2.07 × 104t,油菜8.14×104t,花生1.48×104t,棉花0.02×104t.安岳县69个乡镇近5年平均碳密度最大的乡镇是自治乡(9.60 t/hm2),平均碳密度最小的乡镇是护建乡(5.57 t/hm2),两者相差4.03 t/hm2,碳密度最大的乡镇是最低乡镇的1.72倍.[结论]各乡镇作物植被碳密度空间构成差异原因也比较复杂,与复种指数、耕地中水田与旱地比重以及作物单产和社会经济条件有关.复种指数越高的乡镇作物植被碳密度就越大,水田面积比重大的乡镇作物植被碳密度较高,作物单产显著影响作物植被碳储量.%[Objective] According to the annual statistical information of Anyue county,this thesis will analyze and research the discrepant carbon storage and carbon density among the townships which are in the small-scale region of the county.[Method] The statistical data of the economic outputs and cultivated area of main crops were used to estimate the carbon storage of the vegetation in Anyue county in the past 5 years,from 2008-2012.[Result] During the past 5 years,the average carbon storage of crops vegetation in county was dominated by spring crops.Among those crops,the proportion of rice was the largest,and the proportion of sweet potato was relative small.The carbon storage of crops vegetation was:wheat was 144,500 ton,corn was 134,500 ton,rice was 183,100 ton,sweet potato was 20,700 ton,rape was 81,400 ton,peanut was 14,800 ton and cotton was 200 ton.Among the 69 townships in Anyue,Zizhi village had the largest average carbon density (9.60 t/hm2) in the past 5 years,and Hujian Village had the smallest average carbon density (5.57 t/hm2).The difference between the two was 4.03 t/hm2,and the density of Zizhi was 1.72 times as that of Hujian.[Conclusion] The reasons for the differences of the carbon density of crops vegetation are complicated,and they are associated with multiple-crop index,the proportion between paddy fields and dry lands,crop yield of per unit area and the social economy condition.The higher the multiple-crop index of the township crop is,the larger carbon density of the vegetation is;the crops whose proportion of paddy fields is large has higher carbon density of vegetation;the crop yield of per unit area influences the carbon storage of crop vegetation significantly.



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