首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >青春题材电影叙事主题研究




随着80后一代逐渐步入中年,都市情感影片越来越使观众感到审美疲劳和重复。怀旧题材无疑成为观众对青春及自我成长最好的释放,随即产生了《中国合伙人》《青春派》《致青春》等一系列青春题材电影。通过影片,观众完成了自我情感的审美成长及身份的自我归属和价值认同,也蕴含着新世纪以来中国文化发展的历史变迁。在影片审美感知的背后,我们更加深刻地体悟到在商业文化消费时代的影响下,青春怀旧电影审美及叙事主题的局限及其审美人文感召的缺失。%With the 80 generation gradually into the middle age, the urban emotional films increasingly make the audience feel the aesthetic fatigue and repetition. Nostalgia has undoubtedly become the mood of the audience and then a series of “Youth Theme”movies produced, such as “Chinese Partner”, “Youth”, “To Youth”, etc. Through the film, the audience has completed their own feeling grown-up of aesthetic and the identification of their own value, but also contains the historical changes of the development of Chinese culture since the new century. Behind the film aesthetic perception, we more deeply realize the effect on commercial cultural consumption age, lack of youthful nostalgia film aesthetic and narrative theme and aesthetic appeal of the limitations of the humanities.



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