首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >川东革命老区达州市社会养老保障体系建设对策研究




通过对川东革命老区达州市相关政府部门、养老机构以及老年人的调查访谈,分析出达州市当前社会养老各项政策法规逐渐健全,社会养老保障体系建设初见成效,但还存在诸多问题。据此,必须强化政府责任落实、发挥政府主导作用;用好政策资金,吸纳民间资金参与养老服务;深化社区建设,彰显医养结合功能;建立养老机构管办评分离制度,实行养老服务市场化运作,营造全面养老氛围;健全老年精神关爱体系,力求老有所乐;大力强化医疗卫生服务;健全老年人权益保障机制;培养专业的老年管理与服务人才,提升养老服务水平等可行性对策。%The surveys and questionaires to the relevant government departments, pension agencies and the elder in Dazhou show that at present time the policies and regulations about the social elder supports are being completed and the social elder support systems have obvious effects. With it, there are many shortcomings. To resolve them, the following measures should be adopted. The responsibility of government must be put into effect and the dominant roles of gevernment must be played. The policial funds should be used properly and the private funds should be absorbed. To deepen the construction of communities aims at the outstanding of the combination of medicine and pensioning. Establish the system that supervision, administration and assessment are separated and independent, the pensioning services are run according to the market and the circumstances of pensioning in all fields are shaped. Complete the elder mental care system for the happiness of the elder. Improve the medical services. Compete the elder's rights gurantee system. Train the professional employees majoring in the management and sevice for the elder to improve the service level.



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