首页> 中文期刊> 《四川体育科学》 >广西武鸣“三月三”民俗传统体育活动考察及分析




China's rural population accounts for a larger proportion of the country's population, but lack of sports infrastructure and the sports consciousness is weak, as well as the urban-rural income gap and so on, causing all the people in the rural areas more difficult exercise. This paper Wuming Guangxi in"March 3rd"folk sports in the state of the investigation carried out to analyze the results. The results show that the folk sports in the"March 3rd s"good conduct, especially the broad masses of peasants in the event for the folk of the higher participation in sports. Through the analysis of folk festivals in the development of the situation of the traditional sports, made in rural areas, the use of its regional festivals and more features, will be festivals in some of the existing fitness and entertainment with a strong tradition of sports projects to carry out the restoration and transformation;expansion these traditional sports festivals in the proportion and scale, combined with folk festivals, folk sports to strengthen in the minds of the status of the rural population;the proposed leisure time in rural areas, some organizations less competitive, strong communication, public participation Folk sports a higher degree of exchange in order to promote rural areas to carry out national fitness campaign.%我国农村人口占全国人口比例较大,体育基础设施不足,体育意识薄弱,以及城乡收入的差距等,造成了在农村开展全民健身运动的难度。本文通过对广西武鸣“三月三”中民俗体育开展状况的调查结果进行分析。结果表明,民俗体育在“三月三”中开展良好,广大群众尤其是农民对于此次活动中民俗体育的参与性较高。通过分析民俗节庆中传统体育活动的开展状况,提出在农村地区,利用其地区节日多的特点,将民俗节庆中现有的一些具有较强娱乐健身性的传统体育项目进行恢复并且改造开展;扩大这些传统体育项目在民俗节庆中的比例和规模,结合民俗节庆活动,强化民俗体育项目在农村人口心中的地位;建议农村地区在闲暇时间组织举行一些竞技性较弱、交流性较强、大众参与性较高的民俗体育交流会,以促进农村地区全民健身运动的开展。



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