首页> 中文期刊> 《四川体育科学》 >足球运动科学化训练监控体系构建与实证研究评述




采用文献资料等方法,对当前足球运动训练监控体系的构建与其应用指标的相关问题进行全面梳理。研究表明:现阶段足球运动训练监控体系的分类与构成主要包括身体机能监控、训练负荷监控、身体素质监控、膳食与营养监控以及心理监控。每类监控内容体系之下都有相应的监控指标与理论方法作指导,并通过实证案例研究对训练监控的具体应用于实践进行阐述,并以此为基础对未来足球运动训练的科学监控做出展望。%This article uses the literature material method, to conduct a comprehensive analysis about relevant issue of the construction and application of index towards current football training monitoring system. Research shows that:the classification of football training monitoring system at the present stage is composed of body function monitoring, monitoring of training loads, physical quality monitoring, dietary and nutritional surveillance and psychological monitoring. Under each kind of monitoring system have monitoring index and the theory as a guide, and through the empirical case study for the application in practice of training monitoring were introduced, and on this basis makes a prospect for the future of the football sports training monitoring.



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