首页> 中文期刊> 《四川环境》 >基于3S技术的矿产资源开发景观格局动态变化研究——以木里县梭罗沟金矿改扩建工程为例




本文在阐述3S技术特点的基础上,以四川省木里县梭罗沟金矿改扩建工程所在地的梭罗沟和如米沟为研究区,介绍了3S技术在景观格局信息提取的技术要求、数据收集和工作流程,并对研究区景观格局的提取结果进行了动态变化预测与分析实例研究证明,3S技术是景观生态学研究的重要技术工具,应用3S技术开展矿产资源开发景观格局动态评价,可以准确、快速地提取帚观格局的主要特征指标,掌握景观格局现状、预测其动态变化特征、揭示其变化规律,满足区域景观格局研究的要求,本研究方法适用于生态类建设项目或区域开发规划的景观格局中短期动态预测研究,不宜用于景观格局长期的动态预测。%Adopting 3S technology, this paper conducts a case study on reeunstructing a gold mine into landscape in Suoluo Valley of Mull County in Siehuan Province. It discusses the technological requirements, data collection and working process. The information of the discussing area is analyzed and predicted dynamically. The resuhs show thai the 3S technology is an important technological method In study the landscape ecology, by which the characteristies of landscape pattern can he eullecled accuratelv and quickly to know the present and changing situations as well as the changing laws for meeting the requiretnents of landseape study. The research methods eoneerned are suitable for prediction study uf landscape pattern in ecological projects or regional develnping program in short period other than that of long-term.



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