首页> 中文期刊> 《四川电力技术》 >500 kV 智能变电站的程序化操作应用探讨

500 kV 智能变电站的程序化操作应用探讨



With the continuous production of 500 kV smart substations and the promotion of unattended operating mode, the programmed operation brings a considerable effect to reduce human input and improve the efficiency of switching operation, but it also proposes a new topic on management.On this basis, taking the first 500 kV smart substation in Sichuan for example, the key points of the programmed operation are analyzed and discussed such as its concept, achievement conditions, control strategy and function modules and so on, and the thinking and practical advice are proposed as viewed from engineering, man-agement, operation and maintenance, which provides a technical reference for the future research of such applications.%随着500 kV智能变电站的陆续投产以及变电运维无人值守模式的推进,程序化操作为减少人力投入和提高倒闸效率带来了可观的效果,同时也对管理工作提出了新的课题. 基于此,借助川内首座500 kV智能变电站,结合程序化操作的概念、实现条件、控制策略、功能模块等方面的关键点进行分析探讨,并从工程实际、运维管理等方面提出了思考与建议,为今后此类应用研究提供一定的技术参考.



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