首页> 中文期刊> 《四川建筑科学研究》 >地基整体平面沉降下框架结构分析




In this paper,the effect of the non-uniformity settlement of ground foundation on th?upper space frame structure is studied. This paper takes a four-story space frame structure with two spans as an example. The different pedestal for a body is installed at the joint of column footing, which respectively form the fixed support model and the elastic supported model. Integral plane settlement is applied in every model. The deformation of frame structure under integral plane settlement is slant of the whole structure; Beams are principally suffered with the bending moment and the columns principally suffered with axial force and moment; The biggest force appears in the first story. It indicates that the elastic support model has certain economy.%为了研究地基发生平面整体不均匀沉降时空间框架结构的内力和变形特点,根据实际工程情况,建立了一个4层典型空间框架有限元分析模型.分别采用固定支座模型和弹性支座模型,给出了框架结构的内力和变形情况,并对两种计算模型的结果进行了对比分析.认为结构变形为整体倾斜变形;结构受到的轴力、剪力和弯矩主要集中在底部楼层;框架梁所受内力以弯矩为主;框架柱所受内力以轴力和弯矩为主.建议采用弹性支座模型进行相关计算分析.



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