首页> 中文期刊>船舶标准化工程师 >LPG运输船液化气罐子吊装的施工工艺研究




船载罐装的液化气通过控制系统灌装达到运输的目的。台州五洲船业建造的5000m3 LPG船货舱区域有二只各装2500m3的液化气罐子,每只罐子重430吨。建造完工的液化气罐子需被吊装进船舱。本文重在研究罐子吊装时设备在不同工况下吊装的重量、高度、风载荷等影响因素进行的测算;同时对船厂的基础设施与吊装该设备需达到的承压情况进行评估。按上述吊装工艺,经实践验证罐体吊装进舱作业安全,顺利达到预期的目标。该案例对类似的大件设备的吊装作业有借鉴意义。%Ship-carrying canned liquefied gas is filled by the tank control system in order to be transported. The 5000m3 LPG constructed by Taizhou Wuzhou Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. has two jars in the cargo area, each loading 2500m3 LPG and weight of 430 tons. The completed liquefied gas can is required to be lifted into the cabin. The article emphasizes the study of measuring and calculating the lifting weight, height and wind load under different conditions as decision foundation. It assesses the pressure bearing situation of infrastructure in shipyard to ensure the safety of the lifting operation and achieve the object. The case is significant for lifting bulky equipment.



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