首页> 中文期刊> 《山西林业科技》 >山西省 木属种质资源及开发利用

山西省 木属种质资源及开发利用



笔者介绍了梾木属植物的形态特征和在山西省的分布状况(共分布有6种1变种),并对其园林观赏、油料利用、水土保持等开发利用价值进行了详细阐述. 提出了建立优质种质资源圃、加大引种力度、开展综合利用研究等开发利用对策,以期使梾木属植物能在山西省乃至全国生态建设和经济发展中发挥更大的作用.%The genus Cornus is an excellent species with landscaping , bio-energy, conservation of water and soil , etc.In this paper , the genus Cornus was explained in detail with the morphological characteristics , the resources distribution in Shanxi Province , as well as the value of development and utilization; and put forward some suggestions to develop Cornus resources in Shanxi Province , which would promote the genus Cornus to play a greater role on economic development and ecological construction in Shanxi Province and even the whole country .



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